Calvin Center (originally named Camp Calvin) opened its property in 1960 for two weeks of summer camp. Today, placed on 536 acres in beautiful Metro Atlanta, Calvin Center is a year-round retreat & conference center! Because of this, we offer a welcoming sanctuary for re-creation and Christian nurture.


Sparking growth through enriching retreats and outdoor adventures

For 60+ years Calvin Center has been a place where kids have come for the adventure of summer camp, while others have come to retreat and find rest in the midst of nature on our beautiful campus.   For the past 20+ years, many have come to experience the joy and healing of therapeutic horseback riding.   Whether you need an exciting adventure or a restful retreat, Calvin Center may be just the place for your group or family.  Come be a part of the future hereat beautiful Calvin Center.

We live out our FAITH by acknowledging Christ as the center of who we are and what we do. Our high level of INTEGRITY guarantees excellence and respect in all we do. We value PEOPLE as they grow individually and in community. We seek to meet the needs of our guests through the ministry of HOSPITALITY. STEWARDSHIP is lived out through faithful utilization of time, talent, finances, and the environment. EXPERIENTIAL learning provides ongoing development and growth.


Our 536 acres give you more to do then any other retreat & conference center! We are only 20 miles from Atlanta, GA.

This impressive location is a favorite in the Atlanta area. Therefore, it is one of the “must visits” if you are looking for a great place for your retreat or conference.

  • Private Lake
  • Sprawling Facilities
  • Many Outdoor Activities

We also have superb equestrian programs. We provide Recreational Horseback Riding Lessons and Trail Rides. Because we serve all people, we also provide Therapeutic Horseback Riding Lessons for those with developmental, physical and learning disabilities.

In addition, you can try one of our AAHS ,CHA and PATH clinics!